As swim season came to an end, it was a success for Head Coach Todd Nall. His relay advanced to the regional meet and was able to compete in the finals.
At the district meet, they were able to break two school records which was surprising for Coach Nall. Last season the swim team had a large graduating class, who had broken records that had been there for a while.
“It was unexpected with just a young team,” Coach Nall said. “With these records falling this season, expectations for the coming seasons will be very high for this team.”
The athletes were not surprised at all by breaking records. They had been working hard every single day.
The atmosphere at regionals was very different from previous years. Fewer teams qualified and fewer athletes.
“The excitement for the races was certainly still there, but there were noticeably fewer people able to be a part of it,” Coach Nall said.
As far as the seniors go, the program graduates Skyler Jordan and Johnathan Perez.
“They were an excellent source of leadership and were both strong contributors to our performance,” Coach Nall said.
Regarding the underclassmen, he is excited to watch them develop and train this offseason. All of his athletes have potential with a strong work ethic.
“I’m always excited to develop athletes who arrive with a positive attitude and strong work ethic,” Coach Nall said. “With those two factors, possibilities are abundant for us.”