The Spartan Band auditioned for Region Band in December, and despite the changes made for the pandemic, the band placed better than it has in past years. This year, band students across the region had to audition online due to COVID-19 safety guidelines.
“It was really tough because you could hear all of your mistakes when you would replay your recording,” junior Deanna Harvey said. “I’d start stressing over the really minor mistakes.”
In spite of the changes, the Spartan Band had the highest number of students in the Freshman Region Band (10) and 5A Band (39), as well as having the most Area qualifying students (23) in Region 33 for 5A and 6A. The band also makes up 13 of the 17 first chair places in the 5A Band and was the only 5A school to enter students into the 6A audition process in the Region.

“The band as a whole did great,” senior Will Norris said. “I’m so proud of all the work everyone put in.”
The band also had a record number of students make All-State Band. This placement is the highest honor a band student can achieve in the TMEA Region Band contest. The students who were granted this honor were Graydon Harrison, Jesse Galindo, Allie Harris, Javier Miranda, Brandon Kusaj, and Matthew Bullock.
“All state band is a huge deal,” senior Allie Harris said. “I was shocked that I made it, honestly.”
Graydon Harrison also set a record this year for New Caney ISD. He is the first student to make All-State Band four years in a row. Jesse Galindo will join Harrison for the second time at All-State Band as well.
“It feels rewarding having finally made it for the fourth year in a row,” senior Graydon Harrison said.
The Band hopes to transfer their new skills gained from the Region Band audition process into the UIL Concert and Sight Reading contest in the Spring, which involves the whole band playing concert pieces together.
“The skills learned in region band will help us out in concert band a lot,” sophomore Brandon Kusaj said. “Practicing those etudes have improved each section significantly.”