Congratulations to the Porter Spartan Tennis team for finishing out their spring season with a lot of success in their tournaments.

Our tennis team will be competing in the district soon. Each player will compete with the top two players for each school. Our team is excited to compete and has been practicing a tremendous amount to prepare. The district events will be on April 12 and 13 for Varsity and April 30 for freshmen and JV.
While practices have been lengthy, it’s been very helpful. Our Tennis team is feeling very hopeful.
“So far it’s been really amazing learning a lot of new things,” freshman Brianna Gonzalez stated. “The coaches teach us new stuff every day to make the team stronger.”
One respectable thing our tennis players talk about is the commitment each individual player brings to the table and has to offer.
“We make sure to try our best one hundred percent of the time,” sophomore David Grasas said. “Creating a successful team requires effort from each and every person and none of us could be here without them.”
Mentally and physically challenging yourself is a huge part of expanding your skills and the Porter tennis team always pushes themselves to the limit.
“We always try and play against those who are better than us so we can prepare to play against skilled players,” coach Craig Koen said. “We always aim for repetition and consistency because that is what’s key to learning and developing new skills.”