Moving to online programs has left people wondering how they will be able to see and participate in what would be usually considered the “Performing” arts, despite the emergence of COVID 19. The Fine Arts department will not let these conditions deter them from safely showcasing their students’ talent.
“Performances with an audience have been suspended until the Spring semester.” Theatre teacher Luke Kerschbaum said. “We are currently working on ideas on how to hold a virtual performance this semester and what that entails.”
This confirms that he, along with his students, are still preparing something special for the community to watch and enjoy.
“We are lucky to have an entire collection of digital theatre resources in order to help us continue to grow and improve our craft alongside the pandemic,” Kerschbaum said.
Not only has theatre found a way to overcome this COVID-19 obstacle, but the band has also adapted to these circumstances.
“We will be performing at all home games and away games where districts allow visiting student organizations,” Head Band Director, Dr. Jimmy Nowell said. “Those dates follow the same as the current football schedule beginning with October 2nd.”
He states that nearly every band student is participating and excited to attend rehearsal and prepare for the upcoming performances.
“Everyone is enjoying the time back together,” Dr. Nowell said. “We work best as a team and it feels good to see everyone taking precautions to be safe while working together to succeed. We hope to see the band back at 100% very soon.”