Taking the head coach role for the Porter Cheer team has been quite the transition for Coach Kaci Dove. Moving from Arkansas to Texas was a huge shift, and she learned about a lot of traditions. Rules and regulations were a part of it. She was super excited to learn all about the new traditions and cannot wait for life to get back to normal so she can take part in them all.
As you probably already know, cheer tryouts are just around the corner. Coach Dove wants to establish a new legacy and more for the cheer team.
She had to transition right into being the head coach with little experience. This being her first season at Porter, there were a lot of changes on all levels.
One of the biggest things cheer does is having their summer camp. Unfortunately, due to COVID, several practices and camps were canceled, including their summer camp. Everything that cheer used to be and do had to change. COVID also changed the way stunts were developed as well as routines.
“COVID also caused many absences and missed opportunities,” Coach Dove said. “However, it also allowed each of the cheerleaders to stand up and be a leader when needed. They all had to work through so many obstacles that it brought us all closer together as a team and family.”
Seniors definitely played a vital role in this season. Coach Dove expressed her gratitude towards them. Each senior had to explain, motivate, and empower each cheerleader to understand the new rules and regulations, due to COVID.
“During competition, each of the seniors helped to refocus and rebuild the motivation of our competition team in order to keep everyone upbeat and excited,” Coach Dove said. We were all super lucky to have these young women on the team, and as the coach, I cannot say thank you enough.”
As far as what she wants to accomplish at Porter, she wants to build a steady foundation among all the squads.
“As we move forward we hope to have an atmosphere of positivity and hard work that will lead us to victory,” Coach Dove said. “Working together, listening to each other, and handling differences is a HUGE part of any athletic team, and in cheerleading, it could be the difference in hitting a new skill, or dropping a flyer. We hope to be a team that Porter High School is proud of.”