The band has been preparing for this upcoming football season since July 17th. With the heat and multiple practices, they’ve been working extremely hard for upcoming games and competitions.
They have been working hard to make sure they are prepared for the upcoming marching season by fighting through the endless heat that has been present this year by staying hydrated throughout the day. With all of their hard work, they will be ready to perform their work at the first football game of the year on August 25, 2023. Both band and color guard have really put in all their effort for this season.
Osbert Dubon is a junior and this his 3rd year playing clarinet in marching band. He said that this year there is an abundant amount of freshmen who have joined band and it has presented a few road bumps with some freshman who aren’t quite used to marching band and the routine. “
While they may be new to high school, they can’t count on upperclassman to be able to help them out during practice. A good band is like a family. No one is alone, we all do it together,” said Dubon.
Sophia Pearsons is a junior and a color guard member. She’s been in color guard for three years. According to Sophia, “Color guard works hand in hand with band to create a visual interpretation of the music.” Sophia said that they perform at their own competitions, aside from band, but the first one will be on September 23, 2023. “I’m really excited about this season.” One thing Pearsons has said was hydrating was heavily encouraged by everyone due to the extreme heat this year.
With all the time and practice put into the groups, all of the students are excited to be back on the field performing for the visitors at football games.