Porter High school introduces their new team “The Spartan Steppers”, sponsored by Assistant Principle Mrs. Miller! There are many people who are not familiar with “Stepping” so Assistant Principle Shartarri Miller took it upon herself to start a never seen before team in Porter High School.
“Step is really popular with historically black sororities and fraternities we brought the traditions like African tribal dances and incorporated them in to our own modern day line dances,” said Shartarri Miller Coach of “The Spartan Steppers”.
The Spartan have had one performance so far during Porter’s Homecoming Pep Rally. They added a boost of energy to the crowd and had students cheering through the whole performance, to end the performance Coach Shartarri Miller joined them to end off the Pep Rally! There are many students in Porter High school who have either joined or have been wanting to join a Step Team but never had the opportunity too, so this team is filled with so much talent and now they have the opportunity to show off their skills.
“Moving from New York to Texas it changed in a lot of stuff, so when I heard they were starting a Step Team I was like “alright this is something that I do, this is something that I’ve done before”. I knew it would be a good experience for me to join knowing I would have a lot of experience and I could help others in the team,” said Lisa Curvan.