Howl’s Moving Castle is a Japanese animated fantasy film animated by Studio Ghibli. Howl’s Moving Castle is based on a book written by Diana Wynne Jones in 1986. Studio Ghibli has many animated movies and Howl’s Moving Castle is one of them! This movie is directed by Hayao Miyazaki, who directs many movies under Studio Ghibli.
Howl’s Moving Castle was released in 2004 and was in theaters on 23-27 of September 2023. It is rereleased into theaters each year for an event called “Ghibli Fest”. Howl’s Moving Castle is 1 out of 11 Studio Ghibli movies that are played throughout the year for Ghibli Fest.
This movie is about a young girl named Sophie who was put under a spell by the Wicked Witch of the Waste after she unknowingly befriended a wizard. Sophie was turned into an old lady by the witch and she was determined to break the spell. Despite her age she wandered into the mountains searching for Howl and his castle hoping he would help break her spell. Upon finding his castle she discovered that Howl himself was under a spell. An adventure unravels as Sophie and Howl both help each other to break their spells.
I myself enjoyed the movie a bunch. It was a mixture of adventure, romance, and fantasy. The animation of the movie was very good and I found the movie itself cute. I am a bit embarrassed to say, but I did end up crying as the movie ended. It was a lovely movie and I definitely would watch it again even if it was 2 hours long, it felt like time skipped when I watched the movie. If you ever have the chance to watch Howl’s Moving Castle, I would definitely recommend it. It is available on HBO.