The long-awaited animated film, “Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse,” released June 2, 2023, is the sequel to the animated film, “Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse.” The second movie guides us through Miles Morales’ life a year after the events of the first movie. He reunites with his friend, Gwen Stacy, and she introduces him to a society full of Spider-People. However, he clashes with the Spider-People after a disagreement on how to handle their new threat.
Many people (myself included) watched this movie after watching the first one because that movie had a good plot, fabulous storytelling, and animation that was not done before. The first movie had a comic book style and the second movie had many styles of animation. For example, Hobie Brown’s animation style was very different from the rest of the characters. Every time you looked at him, he looked different, which fit his character very well.
“The movie was a 10/10 for me,” Senior Marisa Garza said. “The characters were good and I was invested in the plot.”
One complaint that most people had about this movie was the cliffhanger. It seems more films are doing this now, and many people find it annoying. As for me, I did find it somewhat annoying at first, but it really made me invested in the third movie and how the story will go and wrap up for Miles.
“I felt disappointed with the ending, obviously because it was a cliffhanger, but after watching it, I felt excited for the next one,” Senior Joshua Sanchez said.
This level of dedication from the animators and story writers was shown in this movie, and I can’t wait to see the third and final movie, “Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse.”
“I’m so excited for the next movie,” Sanchez said. “I can’t wait to see how Miles is going to get back to his universe and if his alternate self will be the antagonist.”