Since school started HOSA has been preparing and coming up with new events and meetings in order to prepare for this school year and attract more people to join their organization.
HOSA , Health Occupational Students of America, and their main purpose is to better help and prepare future health professionals by practicing health-related skills and putting them into use in real-life situations or scenarios. HOSA organization does competes in health-related events, organize blood drives, and practice in community volunteer work which will later on help those interested in pursuing a health career to gain valuable skills and experience for future healthcare careers.
“I think HOSA is a very good experience if you’re interested in healthcare, it’s a way of putting your feet in the water to prepare and practice. We offer a lot of different events that people can compete at like pharmacy, nursing assisting, and emergency-related events like CPR and First Aid,” said student Roselyn Saldana.
Their organization is represented by different members of HOSA and each of them represents a different field in which they’re interested in and have the most knowledge about. The HOSA’s officers are the ones that come up with different ideas and events like the special HOSA Christmas tree, study groups, community service, blood drives, trunk or treat, and more heath but also fun-related activities.