Please join us in congratulating Ms. Kaci Dove as the February Teacher of the Month!! Here are some of the awesome things her colleagues had to say about her:
“Kaci is so dedicated to her students, and she builds amazing relationships with them. She is always willing to step up to help other teachers both in the English Department and out of it. She has a great attitude, and she is a great mentor to her students.”
“Thank you Ms. Dove for all that you do for our students and faculty–you are appreciated,” said TAFE sponsor Ms. Newcomb.
“I feel honored, it’s cool when people recognize something you try hard for,” said Ms. Dove.
Ms. Dove said being at Porter High School is like being with family and she always wants to set a good example in the classroom for her students.
“Mr. Condarco always says that we are a family and I always try to represent that in my classroom by building good relationships with my students. I love my students, I would do anything for them and they know that,” said Ms. Dove.