Best Buddies Expo Event holds T-Shirt design competition for students

February 8, 2023
This year for the Best Buddies Expo event, the event coordination would like to order T-shirts that features a design from one of the students! Expo coordinators have given instructions on how to submit any designs that students create.
EXPO stands for Exhilarating Play Opportunity and is an inclusive event designed to improve gross motor, fine motor, proprioception, and increase physical fitness for secondary students in the Aspire cluster classrooms. Along with a peer partner, students will participate in a variety of sports related, skill related, and recreation activities designed for all ability levels.
Jasmine Matthews, with EXPO, said, “I can’t wait to share the designs with our T-Shirt committee so that we can vote on a design. Thank you for your time, and as always, please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns.”
Any students interested in submitting a t-shirt design can scan/email a picture of their design to [email protected] or contact Ms. Robinson or Mr. Smith for more information.