TAFE starts strong with new sponsor

Photo by Hannah

Hannah Hollier, Staff Writer

The Texas Association for Future Educators (TAFE) is great for anyone looking to help out with school events and participate in various competitions. TAFE will have their second spirit night at Gringos on October 12th to help TAFE make this school great and raise funds for their 21-22 school activities.

Returning members of TAFE are super excited to see everything go back to normal without all the COVID limitations.

“I think a lot of things are back to normal,” said senior, Avorie Smith. “Last year every competition was online, which was super hard. It’s also a plus that all members are here and not online.”

TAFE is now being conducted by a new Porter High School teacher, Mrs. Keely Newcomb. Mrs. Newcomb has been teaching for fifteen years and transferred from teaching eighth-grade math at Woodridge Middle School to PHS this year. She felt it would be an honor to teach other students how to become great future students.

“I am very excited to be over TAFE,” said Mrs. Newcomb. “I am looking forward to guiding my students as they prepare for contest and watching them learn more about the educational profession.”

Most of all, TAFE really wants to see everyone in PHS succeed and loves to help anyone who needs it.

“I am most excited to be a role model for the new people in TAFE,” senior, Chesney Devoltz said. “I am glad to be one of the people to show them how everything works so they can take over next year when we are gone.”

For more information about TAFE, contact Mrs. Newcomb at knewcomb@newcaneyisd.org or in room L109.


TAFE awards Ms. Holly Ogata as Staff Member of the Month. (Photo by TAFE)