Students feel the positive, negative effects of working while in school
Photo by Kori Wilkinson
December 8, 2021
Almost every teenager wants a job once they turn 16 and are eager to join the workforce. Each person has their own reasons for having a job while in high school. While it might be for monetary reasons like helping out family or to have a little change in their pocket for spending, others want to obtain some real world experience in the job scene while still in high school. Having a job in high school can have it’s positive and negative effects on the student and the high school experience. Some students really enjoy working while in high school and others dread it the minute they start their first job.
The Spartan Oracle staff did a job survey asking students who currently work while in high school what the positives and negatives of working are while being a student at the same time. Some negatives included having limited free time, getting less sleep, and being stressed. Some positives included having responsibilities, learning how to manage your time wisely, and getting money of course.
Majority of the students recommended for students to work if they think they’re up for the challenge.
“I recommend any student who is able to work while in school to do so. I have worked two different jobs since I started high school and the experience I have gained is very valuable,” said junior Kori Wilkinson, who works at Chic-Fil-A. “Along with the experience, you also gain long-lasting friendships with your co-workers and other students who work with me. Overall, we just have a really good time while learning how to be responsible.”
Some students who work said that as good as it is, if a student is involved in extra-curricular activities or sports while in school, trying to work is very difficult while you are involved in a lot of school programs or clubs. It is doable, but can be very stressful.
“You shouldn’t work as a student unless you don’t have sports,” said junior, Ben Dedenroth, who is an employee at Whataburger and plays jv football.
In the survey, students said that their grades and the quality of their school work went down because they were working and trying to stay committed to school.
“I struggled getting used to a new schedule and fell behind on my homework,” said sophomore Isabella Perez, who works at Forever 21 in Deerbrook Mall.” After getting used to it, when I got home after work, I started working on my assignments immediately.”
Students agree that even though working can have many positives and negatives, the key is to make sure the job is flexible with the schedule if a student plans on doing anything besides work and school.
“Make sure your work schedule is flexible with school because you won’t have a lot of time to do things in general and you will always get home late,” said senior Rico Aguirre, Urban Air employee.
Being a student with a job myself (Chic-Fil-A), I can agree that the quality of my school work has decreased and I do feel more tired during the day. I think that you as a student should get a job if you know you can manage your time wisely. It can be very fulfilling to students and a great experience while in high school, if working is an option for you.