HOSA begins preparing for competitions

Ana Martinez, Contributing Writer

Even though HOSA competitions are a while away, the members and student-leaders of HOSA are beginning to prepare. With the two meetings HOSA has had, some students are already picking what competitions they would like to compete in. With many events to choose from, such as veterinary sciences, sports medicine, and forensic science, the members of HOSA have plenty of unique options.

“Right now, we’re trying to get everyone’s competitions, and once that gets down, we want to help them with what they need and have after-school meetings,” said America Bueno, HOSA president.

Last year, the HOSA club performed well and even had a few people make it to the state competition. This year, HOSA hopes more people to do well in their events and strive to make it to state. With many new people joining the club, there are more opportunities for placement within these HOSA events. With the excellent instruction and guidance from the student-leaders of HOSA, many people have great opportunities to place this year.

“I am preparing for HOSA competitions by encouraging others to participate. Personally, I feel like it’s more about getting people involved in HOSA,” said Ashton Carrigan, HOSA Community Service Chair.

HOSA is just beginning; any students interested in joining are encouraged to come and experience it. HOSA meetings are held monthly as of right now, and the next meeting will be on October 20th. The meeting location is TBA, but as of right now, it will most likely be in either the LMC or the LGI. Anyone and all students are welcome to come to the meetings to see if they think HOSA is something they’d be interested in. For more information, contact either Mrs. Kallie Acton (kacton@newcaneyisd.org) or Mr. William Clark (wclark@newcaneyisd.org).

HOSA’s first meeting of the 21-22 school year. (Photo by HOSA)