Welcome our new Spartan Performing Art Directors

Xavier Martinez

This year, Porter High School has much new Staff, Administrators, and Teachers, and we, the Spartan Oracle, want to highlight them throughout the school year. For each release, we will post a new article on a subject of new staff, from admin to performing arts and academics with their name, photo, and a few fun facts about them. Read below, and get to know the 2022-2023 New Staff!


Cope, Cage – Asst. Band Director/Color Guard

What is your favorite snack? My favorite snacks are grapes.

If you weren’t a teacher, what would you be? If I weren’t a teacher, I would be a Pilot.

Do you have any pets? Yes, I have 2 cats.

What is your favorite movie? My favorite movie is Interstellar.





Morgan, Benjamin – Choir Asst.

 If you weren’t a teacher, what would you be? If I weren’t a teacher, I would probably be an engineer.

Where did you study? I studied at LSU, where I graduated with the class of 2020.

Where did you start singing?  Well, I started singing in Louisiana through my junior year. I then conducted in my church while in high school. That is when I fell in love with choir and singing.

Do you have any pets? Yes, I have two cats.




Soward, David – Theatre

How did you get into theatre? I’ve been in theatre since I was in elementary school, auditioning for every school play I had the chance to.

What is your favorite restaurant? It often changes. I love COTE in New York. It is a Korean BBQ restaurant that only has one item on its menu.

Where did you study? I got my BFA in Acting from Sam Houston State University and my MS in Directing from the University of North Texas.

What are your hobbies? My hobbies are watching movies, seeing plays, and hanging out with my daughter.

 Weill, Stacy – Orchestra