Porter High School Ascension Visual Color Guard competes at Championships


Kaylee Brown, Staff Writer

The Porter High School Ascension Visual Varsity Color Guard had their final show at their championships at Klein Collins. Ending their season strong with lots of improvement, integrity, and joy the Varsity Colorguard competed at the Area 5 TCGC Varsity championships on March 25th. As the season started, they faced many challenges, such as long practicing hours, changing choreography constantly, members leaving, and time running out. However, in their final competition, the guard manages to finalize 6th out of 13, growing an entire 20+ points from last year’s finals. Throughout this season, the varsity guard worked hard on their show, “Oh How Wonderfull”, and we are very proud of how far they got this year.

We are so proud of our Wonder Color Guard and we cannot wait to see what comes next with the upcoming season with the Marching Band. Congratulations to all members, volunteers, and staff including Director, Mr. Rico.