Porter Color Guard Competes at their first competition

Kaylee Brown, Staff Writer

With the start of TCGC (Texas Color Guard Circuit), our Porter High School Ascension Visual A & B guard performed and competed at Robert Turner High School last Saturday hosted by Dawson. Starting with the B team (JV guard), worked hard in warmups and throughout the morning in preparation for the competition. Once they reached the last 3 minutes before going out and performing for a crowd for the first time, the nerves started to rise up. To cancel those feelings out, the guard director Mr. Rico gathered them in for a group meeting and told them “no matter what happens out there, have fun.”

And that is just what they did; competing their hearts out with what they were given, the JV guard brought an amazing show and presented, what a beautiful group they are. After their performance, everyone who attended went to lunch before varsity had to start getting ready for their performance time.

After the lunch break, the A guard had to start getting into the mindset of competing. The whole scene had changed as every varsity member started focusing more and more on the show, making sure it goes as perfectly as possible. Soon after they started heading into the warmup space where things got a hundred times more real. The realization that they were finally about to show the public what they have been working hard on for the past two months settled in, and everyone became more nervous.

Finally getting to the actual gym for the competition, everyone huddled in for one last group meeting and made sure to keep in the zone and not overthink. Finishing up their competition, the Varsity guard had a few hours to relax before retreat. Overall, the B guard placed 6th in their rank, and the A guard placed 6th out of 8th in their rank. The whole competition was considered a success for it being the first time, and everyone wishes each other congratulations.

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