Fine arts department competes and wins big at UIL

Xavier Martinez

This March and April, the band, choir, orchestra, and theatre department competed at their individual UIL Concert and Sight Reading Evaluation. Each organization with each group within had a wonderful season and all showed up and showed out at the competition this year.

This year,  band took both the Wind Ensemble (Varsity), and the Symphonic Band (Non-Varsity) to UIL. To start off, they both received superior ratings, awarding them the Sweepstakes Award. This is the highest rating you can receive at UIL. Coming off a strong Marching Season and an amazing Winter Concert, there were high expectations for our bands and they both blew them out of the water. Congratulations to band and their Directors, Ms. Torres, and Mr. Cope.

Next, the Porter Spartan String Orchestra took two groups to UIL, the Chamber Orchestra (Varsity), and the Symphonic Orchestra (Non-Varsity). With the new Director, Mrs. Weill, there was high hope for both groups, and as usual, they were not only met but surpassed. With a special congrats to the Non-Varsity Symphonic group that received Superior Ratings in Concert and Sight Reading awarding them Sweepstakes. What an amazing year for the  Symphonic Orchestra. We would also like to congratulate our Chamber Varsity group, even though not receiving Superior, they did achieve straight 2 and achieving Excellent ratings, the second-best award to Sweepstakes. Congratulations to our Orchestra, we are so proud.

Choir competed at UIL this year taking their Five Top groups to UIL. These four groups are the Spartan Chorale (Varsity Mixed Choir), Spartan Women (Varsity women), Concert Treble (Non-Varsity Women), Beginning Treble (Sub-Non Varsity Women), and the Concert Tenor/Bass Choir (Varsity Men). All of these groups had an amazing showing at UIL. With Chorale, Spartan Women, and Concert Treble ALL receiving Superior and being awarded Sweepstakes. As well as our Beginning Treble, and Concert Tenor/Bass Choirs both received Excellent ratings showing up and showing out at UIL. We are so proud of all of our groups and our two amazing Choir Directors, Mr. Geodecke, and Mr. Morgan.

Last but certainly not least, we have our Porter Theatre. Compared to the other three, this UIL is a little different, with it being a competition against other schools to make it to the state. Our theatre first placed 1st place in both District AND Bi-District with amazing ratings and amazing reviews, then they competed at AREA, the first time our Porter Theatre has ever made it to this level. Here they placed 6th, ending their run but we are still so proud. This is the best our Theatre group has ever done at UIL and we know next year will be even better. We are so proud of all the Cast and Crew as well as our Director, Mr. Soward.

In the end, all four groups had an amazing run and showing at UIL this year, making the 22-23 School Year one of the best for our Fine Arts. We are so proud of all of our students and staff who all worked tirelessly to make this all happen. We cannot wait to see what comes next from all of our groups. Congratulations to our Band, Choir, orchestra, and Theatre Department, we are all so proud.

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